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Abandoned Patients—Leaving Them in an Untenable PositionAligning Electronic Health Record Use With Quality Improvement Goals Are You Covered for Malpractice After Leaving a Dental Practice?Becoming a High-Reliability OrganizationCase study: A Quick Out-Patient Sedation Leads to Long-Term ProblemsCase Study: Are You Covered for Malpractice After Leaving a Dental Practice?Case Study: CBCT Scans Contain Findings Well Beyond DentistryCase Study: Down the Hatch!Case Study: Electronic Records Templates are a Force to be Reckoned WithCase Study: How Social Media Affects Dental Malpractice LawsuitsCase Study: Implant Placement Leads to Appendectomy and ColonoscopyCase Study: Not Every Patient Can Have Every Procedure Case Study: Opioid Abuse Following Dental TreatmentCase Study: Patients Are Entitled to Choose Their Treatment … Within ReasonCase Study: Who's in Charge Here?Case Study: Who's in Charge Here? Lawsuit After Receptionist Gives Dental AdviceCBCT Scans Contain Findings Well Beyond DentistryClinical Judgment in Diagnostic Errors: Let's Think About Thinking Collaborating With Advanced Practice ProvidersCommunication in the Diagnostic Process: Preventing Breakdowns and Missed OpportunitiesCommunication Mishap Between Providers Leads to Malpractice SuitComplex Orthodontics Case by a Pediatric Dentist Credentialing and Privileging Advanced Practice ProvidersDental Case Study: Is Informed Consent Necessary For Mandibular Blocks?Dental Case Study: Measure Twice, Cut Once - How Improper Documentation Led to Wrong-Side SurgeryDentist Accused of Fraud for Waiving Amounts Due After InsuranceDentist Faces Legal Action Over Response to Online ReviewDentist Misjudges Bone Height During Implant Placement, Resulting in Damage to the Inferior Alveolar Nerve; Malpractice Lawsuit FollowsDentist Reprimanded for Failing to Check Patient's Blood PressureDentist’s Choice of Antibiotics Leads to Adverse Outcome for PatientDentist's Illegible Handwriting Leads to Malpractice LawsuitDentist's Reckless Use of Anesthetic Leads to Suspension from Practice Dentist's Records Retention Failure Affects Malpractice Case OutcomeDeveloping Effective Telephone Policies in Healthcare PracticesDiagnostic Errors: A Persistent Risk Electronic Health Records as a Tool for Disaster Recovery Electronic Health Records: Patient Safety and Liability Concerns From Verbal Insults to Death: The Reality of Workplace Violence in HealthcareHow Domestic Conditions Play a Role in Dental TreatmentHow Ignoring a Patient's Medical History can Lead to a Malpractice Lawsuit: Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Dental Prophylaxis How Staff Education Can Improve Quality and Enhance Patient Safety and ExperienceHow Vicarious Liability Affects Dental PracticeHuman Trafficking in Healthcare: Helping Without HarmingImplant Failure Leads to Liability DisputeImproving the Safety of Medication Prescribing in Ambulatory CareImproving Obstetric OutcomesInadequate Informed Consent Leads to Legal Action Against Dentist Informed Refusal: Overview and Risk Considerations"Jousting" Leads Diabetic Patient to Unsuccessfully Sue Former DentistLack of Detail in Chart Entry Hinders Dentist's Malpractice DefenseLegal Case: Anterior Endodontic TreatmentLegal Case: Are You Ready to Perform Sedation Dentistry?Legal Case: Bisphosphonate Therapy is an Important Pre-surgical ConsiderationLegal Case: Death Following Extraction on Coumadinized PatientLegal Case: Dentist's Inexperience in Implant Placement Leads to Inferior Alveolar Nerve DamageLegal Case: Dentist Relies on Texting to Follow Up With Patient After a Tooth Extraction, Leading to Poor Patient Outcome and LawsuitLegal Case: Differing Interpretations of Radio-opacities on
Radiograph at TrialLegal Case: That Happened When?Legal Case: The Ever Persistent Unhappy PatientLegal Case: The Injuries That Weren'tLegal Case: Unexpected complications following facial cosmetic surgery Legal Case: When Personal Relationships Affect Professional CareLiability Implications Associated With Jousting in DentistryLoss of Taste After Procedure Leads to Lawsuit Against DentistManaging and Preventing Water Damage to Critical RecordsNavigating Scope-of-Practice Risks for Advanced Practice ProvidersNumbering System Miscommunication Leads to Extraction MistakeOral Surgeon's Unnecessary Antibiotic Prescription Leads to Lawsuit Patient Allergic to Anesthetic Seeks Attorney for Cognitive DeficitsPatient Disputes are Often About Money — So Make Sure Refunds are Properly HandledPatient Files Board Complaint After “Poor Result” With Dermal FillersPatient Sues Dentist After Refusing X-RaysPatient Taking Bisphosphonates Sues Dentist for Implant Failure Patient With Periodontal Disease Sues Dentist After Refusing Treatment Developing a Violence Prevention Program in Senior Care Facilities Intimacy and Sexual Activity in Senior LivingKey Safety Issues in Senior Care: Choking, Heat Stroke, and SecurityProviding Safe and High-Quality Care for Obese Patients Risks Associated With Cosmetic Medical Procedures Risks Associated With Cosmetic Dental ProceduresRisk Factors That Contribute to Diagnostic Errors Robot-Assisted Surgery: Patient Safety and Liability Risks Seven Strategies to Prevent Drug Diversion in Healthcare
OrganizationsSedation of High-Risk Patient Leads to Sanctions Against DentistSocial Media in Healthcare: A Slippery SlopeResidents/Patients With Cognitive Impairment in Primary and Specialty Care Settings Social Media in Senior Care: Friend or Foe? Supervision of Advanced Practice Providers Surgical Fires: Prevention and Safety Strategic Planning for Dentists Treating At-Risk Pediatric PatientsThe Benefits of a Personal Electronic Device Policy in Healthcare PracticesState Survey Deficiencies and Claim Allegations in Assisted Living FacilitiesThe Human Factor: Person-Centered Strategies for Senior Care Residents Who Have DementiaThe Rise of TeledentistryThree Dentists Sued for Malocclusion Mismanagement Transferring Patient Health Records When Selling or Closing a Healthcare Practice Traveling OMS's Failure to Follow-Up on Oral Lesions Leads to Lawsuit Unforseeable Seizure Sparks Lawsuit Against Dentist