Risk Management Tools & Resources


Patient Satisfaction Surveys as a Quality Improvement Tool for Healthcare Practices

Providing high-quality, optimal care has been a long-standing goal for healthcare leaders, practitioners, and nonclinical staff. Although this focus is not new, the increased emphasis on patient-centered care and the shift to value-based payment models in recent years have cast new light on the importance of patient satisfaction.

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Balancing Social Media and Patient Privacy in Healthcare

Maintaining privacy of patients’ protected health information (PHI) is one of the most significant concerns related to social media use in healthcare. Privacy and security of PHI are addressed in federal law and governed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). States also may have laws related to the privacy and security of PHI, which might be more stringent than federal laws.

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Corporate Compliance: Covering the Bases

Corporate compliance is a concept that broadly applies to a range of corporate entities and refers to the processes these organizations follow to adhere to regulations and ethical standards. In healthcare, corporate compliance refers to an organization’s commitment to, and procedures for, detecting and preventing violations of state and federal laws, establishing expectations for ethical business practices, and setting appropriate standards for patient care and services. In short, corporate compliance is a commitment to do the right thing — both legally and ethically.

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Improving the Care and Management of Behavioral Health Patients in the Emergency Department

Behavioral health issues have escalated in recent years and pose serious public health and patient safety concerns. About 1 in 5 adults in the United States has a behavioral health condition; slightly more than 15 percent of adolescents report having a major depressive disorder in the last year; and less than half of people who have mental illnesses receive treatment.1

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Taking Decisive Action to Address Sexual Harassment in Healthcare

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a new problem — yet, in recent years, it has received renewed attention as a result of the #MeToo movement and countless numbers of women and men coming forward with accounts of being victimized. These reports indicate that harassment is an ongoing and serious issue across all types of industries and organizations, and healthcare certainly isn’t immune.

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Selling Health Products — Easy Money or Risky Business?

The sale of nonprescription health products — such as dietary supplements, vitamins, essential oils, skin care products, and nutraceuticals — is big business in the United States and abroad. In fact, the global market for dietary supplements was valued at about $152 billion in 2021, and it is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 8.9 percent from 2022 to 2030.1

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Strengthening the Frontline: Cybersecurity Training for Healthcare Workers

In today’s connected world, the need to protect proprietary and sensitive information is increasingly challenging. As technology continues to expand and evolve, cybersecurity has become a preeminent concern for many industries, including healthcare. Complex networks and data exchanges, cloud-based services, social media, online portals, the Internet of Things, and other technologies have introduced opportunities and efficiencies but also potential threats.

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Preparing for the Inevitable: Security Incidents and Data Breaches

In an ideal world, putting in place proactive security measures would guarantee the safety of protected health information (PHI) and other confidential data. However, experience has shown that even well-guarded networks and systems can be infiltrated, resulting in compromised infrastructure, privacy and security violations, and even data losses (for example, in cases of ransomware).

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